Thursday, October 9, 2008

Into the black...

Countdown to France: 82 days

I've moved my blogging for this trip to blogger because I like the format better, and it's easier for those without livejournal to follow. So to those of you who followed my Korea trip on Soul in Seoul, welcome back. For anyone who found this by chance, welcome. At first I started keeping these sort of travel "diaries" as reminders to myself, but I realized it might be nice to share my experiences with others - not only so my friends and family could keep track of me, but also so they could figure out exactly what it was I was doing.

Expect to see minimal updates regarding my travel plans before I head abroad, then semi-regular posts whenever something of note happens. I'll be taking lots of pictures, and I'm a particular fan of scenery photos; expect to see lots of those.

Once again I am studying in a university abroad, this time the Université Montpellier III in Montpellier. I'll be in the south of France, which will hopefully be a more unique experience than studying in Paris. I hope to travel around Europe while I'm there, my trip ending with about two weeks in the UK before I return home.

That's about all the introduction I have for now. I'll update again when I have a few more details.


Anonymous said...

Will be following. =D You go to so many awesome places.

Anonymous said...

Also, the return of the seoulless comic for France would be awesome.